If you won my pay it forward, this is what you got: My favorite purse items, which include
Camelback water bottle (we don't leave the house without it), clasp wallet that can hold a checkbook, sweetmint orbit gum, Nivea tinted chap stick, and last but not least, a matchbox car which is most valuable above all. Hope you enjoy!
My lovely husband took time out of his busy schedule ( i.e. 12 credits at school, BFA final project, and working 2 jobs) to build me my breakfast nook bench/food storage storage. I am so happy with it, he did a great job. Thanks sweetie!
We went to the pumpkin patch last night with all the cousins. It was F-U-N! and very cold. Jed got a little carried away and we ended up with 9 very large pumpkins. What am I to do with so many pumpkins? Adorn my home I sappose.
Today we went to the fire station for pre school. The fire men were super friendly and let the kids climb around in the trucks, and try on their clothes. The highlight of the trip:
They got a call while we were there and had to rush to a fire ( Sirens and all)! Could we ask for more?
I didn't expect this good of a response to my pay it forward, but I have to stick with my last comment. The first three to sign up are my winners! Margaret, Lizzy, and Layla. Thanks guys. I almost have everything ready to send out. Thanks for playing.